When you get in an accident or something else happens to your car, the first thing you should do is make sure you have the information of all other parties involved. This includes their insurance information and contact information. This will also help if you need to file an auto insurance claim for an accident you were involved in, especially if you were found at fault.
Filing a Claim
Different insurance companies have different processes for filing a claim, but for the most part the process is pretty similar. First you need to contact the DMV and file an accident report, then you need to gather all the information you need about your car accident. After you’ve done these two things, you can call your insurance company and talk to a claims specialist about filing a claim. Your claims specialist will talk with you about your claim and work with you to settle a claim, and your claim adjuster may be involved as well.
The Aftermath
Once you’ve filed an auto insurance claim, you may see your premium go up a bit. This is often the case with drivers who have been in an accident recently, even if the accident wasn’t necessarily their fault. Still, this is a far better alternative to simply not filing the insurance claim in the first place and not being covered.
A Little Help
If you need help getting an auto insurance policy or filing a claim for an accident you had in the O’Fallon, IL, area, you need to talk to the insurance specialists at Yaekel Insurance. We can help you get the coverage you need at a competitive price with great service. Give us a call at 618-233-0024 to learn more about auto insurance and how to file a claim.